
What your energy metabolism does for you


Energy drives us and makes us efficient. With it the basic bodily functions run like clockwork: such as organs, brain, muscles, digestion, metabolism. The fact is: without energy we would not survive. But what exactly is this energy? We all know statements like: "I'm just bursting with energy" or "I just don't have any more energy". What exactly happens in the body, how our energy metabolism works and what it needs, you can find out here.

Where did she come from? Generating and storing energy

For a healthy energy metabolism you need good energy suppliers, because your body can gain usable energy from them. These suppliers include carbohydrates, fats and proteins - the so-called macronutrients. Your body breaks down these nutrients step by step and receives energy.

Most of the energy is converted into heat, which maintains the body temperature. This means that the body uses energy at all times, whether you are sleeping or climbing a mountain. So the body is constantly active. In addition to temperature regulation, energy is available for other metabolic processes. For this purpose, the cells store it for a short time and keep it available in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). When required, the body then releases energy by splitting the ATP. Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and free phosphate (P) are now produced. The body uses the energy released in this process mainly for muscle function or releases it in the form of heat.

So can you create energy reserves?
Basically this is not possible. The unused energy is not stored in the body. However, there is a constant supply - provided you supply your body with sufficient nutrients.

How does the energy metabolism work?

Your energy metabolism is constantly working. Through it, ATP is continuously available to you. Every cell in the body can therefore produce energy by splitting the molecule. The ATP reserves are not stored for long in the body. After only a few seconds of stress, the ATP is completely used up. In order to counteract the constant loss of ATP, the body therefore carries out ATP resynthesis: the so-called reconstruction. This resynthesis happens in two ways:

1. aerobic energy production, i.e. the consumption of oxygen:

This energy production takes place during light sporting activities. The carbohydrates and fats are burned under the influence of oxygen and processed into energy.

2. the anaerobic, oxygen-free energy production:

The anaerobic energy production takes place during stronger sporting activities. Aerobic energy production is no longer sufficient, which is why the body continues to process the carbohydrates and fats into energy without the influence of oxygen.

Where is she going? Energy consumption in the body

The organs in the body consume energy in varying amounts. The liver, the brain and the musculature are among the major consumers. The heart, kidneys and fatty tissue need less energy.

Energy consumption varies from person to person. In order to determine this, a distinction is made between the basal metabolic rate and the performance metabolic rate. This results in the total energy requirement:

What is the basal metabolic rate?

The basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy that your body requires when lying down in a resting state. The energy is needed to maintain body temperature, breathing and cardiovascular system. The amount of energy required depends on several factors: Sex, age, weight, height and muscle mass. Usually the basal metabolic rate is about 1 kilocalorie per kilogram and hour.

How is the energy metabolism determined?

In addition to the basal metabolic rate, more energy is of course needed. Exactly how much is calculated from how much you are mentally and physically challenged. This amount of energy is called performance metabolism. Sports and other leisure activities are also included in the metabolic rate. It is also important how active you are in your job: Do you sit a lot on the spot or do you constantly have to get from A to B? All these factors should be taken into account to determine the exact value of your energy requirements.

The right nutrients for more energy and less fatigue

Valuable vitamins and minerals support your metabolism and well-being when you feel tired and exhausted. With good food supplements you can contribute to a normal energy metabolism and less tiredness.

Which vital substances does a normal energy metabolism need?

Vitamins B2, B6 and B12 and the mineral magnesium help against fatigue and exhaustion. They also contribute to normal energy metabolism and normal functioning of the nervous system. Folic acid (vitamin B9) also helps to reduce your tiredness in everyday life. Calcium not only protects your teeth and bones, but also supports your energy metabolism.

Iron is a vital trace element and indispensable for the transport of oxygen in the blood and for energy metabolism. Your body also needs iron for energy transfer within the cells. An iron deficiency shows itself in the form of tiredness, headaches and exhaustion. The body should always be sufficiently supplied with iron. Vitamin C helps your body to better absorb iron.

So what happens if you lack the important vital substances?

Your body suffers from a lack of energy. You are more quickly weak, feeble and exhausted. In order to be fitter and more balanced again, fill up your energy depot. This will give you a better quality of life and a much better feeling of well-being.

Good food as an optimal source of energy

Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are the main energy sources. There are good and bad carbohydrates and fats; the good ones provide you with the daily energy requirement, the bad ones are better to avoid. Proteins are mainly building blocks for tissue, muscles, blood and organs. They also form almost all hormones and enzymes. The antibodies of the immune system also consist mainly of proteins.

To ensure that you consume the right amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, experts from the German Nutrition Society have divided your daily requirements as follows:

  • 55 % carbohydrates
  • 30 % fat
  • 15 % protein

Here we give you a small overview of the foods that give you real power and the foods that are not intended for daily consumption.

Good carbohydrates
Wholemeal bread (pumpkin seed)
Apples, berries, kiwi
Low-fat milk/soya milk
Cereal (without sugar)

Poor carbohydrates
French fries
Lemonades, iced tea, cola drinks
Mashed potatoes from powder

Good fats
Linseed oil, olive oil, walnut oil
Herring, salmon
Avocado, olives

Poor fats and trans fats
Butter, margarine
Mixed minced meat, sausages
Chips, popcorn, granola bars
Croissants, cakes, cookies
Ready-made panades and marinades

Listen to your body and its signals. Just give it the energy it needs. And help him with enough vitamins and exercise. Your energy metabolism will thank you for it - and you will start actively in every day.

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