
Reduce stress: 4 tips that you can apply immediately


Stress is actually nothing negative. Short phases of tension even inspire us. But when stress becomes a permanent condition, it makes us ill. Painful tension, sleep disorders, trembling, palpitations and gastrointestinal diseases are the result. Find out what you can do to cope with / reduce stress.

Stress reduction - Our 4 tips

1. To move every day

With sport you can quickly reduce stress. For some people walking or jogging is the right choice, others prefer a powerful fitness training. Yoga, Pilates and autogenic training in particular help you to recover more quickly and Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is also a very effective relaxation method.

2. Sleep a lot and breathe deeply

In order for your body to regain its balance, it needs long periods of rest and relaxation - as a counterpart to the phases marked by stress. Treat yourself to small islands of time out again and again - even if it's only for a few minutes. Take a deep breath, relax your muscles and do once - nothing. Sink into the moment and be completely with yourself. Meditation can help you to find peace.

3. Recognize and reduce stress factors

How we experience stress is also related to our own attitude. Often, stressful behaviour patterns and excessive demands on ourselves reinforce the individual feeling of stress.

These thought exercises help you to reassess what you have experienced and reduce stress.


Become aware of your stressors: Who or what is stressing you? Why is this so?

Hand in and decline

If you know your stress factors, you can work on them and actively bring about change yourself.

  • Hand over tasks.
  • Detach yourself from wishes and ideas that no longer suit you. This is not giving up, but consciously letting go.
  • Say "No" once in a while.
  • Clarify a situation, e.g. through a conversation.
  • Avoid stressful situations or people.
  • Reorganize something.
  • Ask others for help.
  • Allow mistakes, you do not have to be perfect.

Step back and pause

If you are confronted with an immediate stress situation, step back for a moment and resort to the thought stop method from cognitive behavioural therapy. If you find yourself with a stressful thought, say "stop". This is how you interrupt your thoughts. Then try to find a solution without thinking about it for long. Or you can take a slow, deep breath and think of something relaxing like a beach, a flower or your dog. It is important that you immediately do or think something else.

Being thankful

Become aware of what you are grateful for in your life. This will brighten your mood in a matter of seconds and also put the - perhaps not so big - problem that is currently bothering you into perspective again.

4. Eat energy-rich food

In stressful situations, your body requires high-energy food to cope with this exceptional situation. With these healthy foods you will keep strong nerves in stressful situations.

Foods rich in vitamin B such as oat flakes, bananas, nuts, seeds and kernelsVitamin B supports the nervous system, the mental function and helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue. In particularly stressful phases of life, food supplements can be a valuable source of vitamin B.

Food supplements to protect cells from oxidative stress:
Vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin E, copper, manganese and zinc ideally combined in Vitamaze Multivitamin

Raw cocoa is a natural guarantee for a good mood. The tryptophan contained in it ensures that the happiness hormone serotonin is released, which brings us serenity, inner peace and well-being.

balanced and vitamin-rich diet provides you with all important nutrients for strong nerves every day. Avoid refined sugar, unhealthy fats and ready-made meals. Eat 3 portions of vegetables and 2 portions of fruit every day - one portion fits in your hand shaped like a bowl.

A restful and sufficiently long night's sleep of about 7 to 8 hours is also recommended. During this time your body can regenerate and gain new strength for the next day.

Countinue Reading: Stress - symptoms and consequences of stress on body & psyche

Stress in the long run has a negative effect on health. Find out what stress causes in the body (symptoms) and the consequences of long-term stress.