Diana went down 3* clothing sizes in 1* month!

Diana is a busy mum of three. After multiple pregnancies, she struggled to lose weight.

One day, she found Slimmium through an internet search and decided to try a few products. Discover how Diana took control of her body, achieved amazing results and changed her life for the better, despite her initial scepticism and doubts!


After 10* days, you could already see the results.

Diana describes herself as a little overweight, but the problems really started after her third pregnancy, when she just couldn’t shake the weight.

She began using our products at the beginning of May 2022: “I was a bit sceptical, but after 10* days, you could already see the results and I felt very enthusiastic and motivated.”

The products Diana tried were FatBurn XXL, WaterOut XXL and NightBurn XXL – the three bestsellers included in our 30-Day Starter Bundle.

“I love these products”

Diana says the biggest improvement is less swelling and bloating, more motivation for physical activity, healthier eating habits, and easier, faster weight loss.

“I love these products. Since I’ve been using NightBurn, I’ve noticed that I’ve been sleeping better.”

And she couldn’t keep Slimmium a secret for long: “My colleagues at work noticed that I was losing weight, complimented me and asked me what the secret was.”


You are not alone: over a third of women experience water retention regularly! Bloating and swollen legs and feet are the most common signs that our lymphatic system is overloaded and needs help. A study assessing the effects of CactiNea™, the main patented ingredient in our WaterOut XXL, has shown remarkable results, with 87% of users confirming its efficacy.1

Diana went down 3* clothing sizes in 1* month!

Diana couldn’t be more satisfied with her progress: “I’m happier and can finally look at myself in the mirror again. I feel lighter, less bloated and have less of an appetite. I went from a size 18* to a size 12* in 1* month. I feel very happy.”


Before the end of her story, Diana wanted to share some parting words with whoever was going to read it:

“If you’re thinking of trying Slimmium, then I suggest you give it a try. I was also sceptical in the beginning, and now I’m very enthusiastic and can’t imagine my life without these products. I love them!”


Guarana and caffeine, which can be found in our FatBurn XXL, aid weight loss through 3 main actions: by increasing fat oxidation (the body’s usage of fat for energy), by boosting metabolism via increased energy expenditure and by enhancing the effectiveness of exercise.

Three bestsellers for amazing results – the 30-Day Starter Bundle

The 30-Day Starter Bundle includes three of our bestselling drinks for an extreme cleansing effect and visible slimming.

  • Reduces bloating, water retention and cellulite
  • Increases fat burning and speeds up the metabolism
  • Detoxifies the body
  • Reduces hunger pangs and helps shape the figure
  • Burns fat 24/7

*Disclaimer: The effects of the product may vary between individuals and could differ from those described on the website. Our products are not intended to prevent, treat or cure any disease or serious illness. Maintaining a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle is important.


1 Human clinical: open intra-individual study on 15 women with water-retention troubles, with a daily dose of Cacti-Nea™ of 2 g, during one week (2010). / not published

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