Vitamin D could be the solution we’re looking for!

Could Vitamin D be the ray of hope we need? As the epidemic progresses, scientists across the world are looking for solutions.


When Fox News published an article from American doctor and former Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Thomas R. Frieden, he made it very clear: there is no proof yet that vitamin D lowers the chances of getting sick. But there is hope, and taking Vitamin D supplements can’t hurt.

The secrets of vitamin D 

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that we often mention as a crucial micronutrient for healthy bones because it promotes calcium absorption. However, this vitamin is more powerful than previously thought.

The human body has vitamin D receptors in many organs; that’s why scientists assume that vitamin D plays a much bigger and more complex role than what has been proven so far. 

Laboratory studies show that vitamin D helps control infections and reduce inflammation. 

In his article, Thomas R. Frieden emphasised that vitamin D supplementation reduces the risk of respiratory infection and can limit the risk of viruses like influenza. 

Because vitamin D regulates the production of cytokines that harm other cells, science wants to research the possibility of minimising the probability of infection by increasing vitamin D levels.

“We can do lots of things to improve our resistance to infection,” wrote Frieden. “Taking a multivitamin that includes Vitamin D, or a Vitamin D supplement, probably can’t hurt, and it might help.”

The power of the Sun, vitamin D-rich foods and proper supplementation

Because living creatures internally produce (synthesise) vitamin D with the help of the Sun’s ultraviolet rays, we also call it ‘the sunshine vitamin’. But there are two forms of vitamin D – D2 and D3. The first one is produced by plants (mushrooms) and the latter by animals – so humans as well. 

Those that eat animals and animal products automatically get a bit of vitamin D from food. Vegans, however, must rely on their own production when exposed to the Sun. 

However, statistics show that vitamin D deficiency is very common worldwide. Among the people affected are mostly: 

  • Those that work indoors
  • Are cautious about their sun exposure
  • Have darker skin
  • Do not eat enough vitamin D-rich foods
  • Exclude some food groups because of ethical reasons

Worldwide, about 1 billion people have inadequate levels of vitamin D in their blood. So even if it sounds like vitamin D should not be lacking in our bodies, it is.

That is why doctors all across the world don’t say no to vitamin D3 supplementation. But like with any other prevention supplements, it’s best to take them besides leading a healthy lifestyle. 

Vitamin D-rich foods:

  • Fatty fish
  • Beef liver
  • Cheese
  • Egg yolk
  • Vitamin D-fortified products (like cereals, milk, orange juice, etc.)

How to boost synthesis with sun exposure:

  • 10-30 minutes daily
  • At midday
  • Dilemma:  Sunblock and protective clothes prevent UV rays and may lower vitamin D synthesis, but exposing yourself to the Sun unprotected is not advised.

What to look for with vitamin D supplements:

  • Recommended daily dose: 15 µg
  • Maximum: 50 µg (2000 IU)

Use this product for at least 30 days

Eliminate chances of deficiency and try our Essentials Vitamin D capsules with 2000 IU of D3 per serving and support your immune system.