You won't lose weight without first purifying your body!

 What a beautiful summer! The family picnic, cocktails with friends, ice cream to heat the soul ... And, then, without realizing it, our body gases with toxic substances. Problem? They block all functions in order to remain in good shape and lose weight. Solution? It's definitely time for 10 day Detox!


3 things to consider about losing weight: 

1) weight loss is increasingly associated with body detoxification. You've probably heard many times of detox, but you don’t really understand exactly why it is so important and how it works. 

2) detox is the process by which the body expels all harmful substances, which accumulate in our body as a result of intake of processed foods, alcohol, fizzy drinks and sweets, polluted air, untreated water, detergents, cosmetics 

3) these toxins and waste products accumulate mainly in the liver whose function is to cleanse the body. Therefore, our metabolism can be slowed down and so the fat begins to accumulate in the body. Cleansing your whole organism improves the performance of all body functions, promotes the dissolution of fat, and ultimately results in a healthy weight loss and long-term improvement of your metabolism. 

10 days detox for 6 months of healthy and slender physique 

How to do it? We have prepared a very easy-step by stepprogram, to ensure a thorough cleaning in 10 days to prepare your body to acquire the physique and vitality you deserve!

5 signs that your body has an urgent need to Detox: 

  • Despite being on a diet you can't lose weight
  • You keep accumulating fat
  • You get hunger pangs or an uncontrollable desire for fresh food
  • Fatigue and lack of energy
  • Frequent mood swings and restless sleep 

Try 10 days detox with the package Slimcut-Drainer helping you to cleanse your body in a natural, by releasing excess fluids and accelerating the weight loss process! 

In 10 days you will notice: 

  • weight loss faster and easier
  • improvement of metabolism and digestion
  • you can remove all harmful substances for the next 6 months
  • You'll feel more vital and full of energy.

10 days detox and Slimcut Drainer will restore your body, by enhancing its functions and will preserve your health! And most importantly, it will help you lose weight faster and with more success! 

* It is advisable to make repeat the cleansing diet every 6 months and before each start of weight loss.

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