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Avoid stress for a relaxed mind

Everybody knows stress factors caused by burdens in everyday life and at work. But stress in the long run should not be underestimated, because stress has a negative effect on health. Pay attention to the warning signals and take countermeasures. Stress reduction contributes to your well-being.

Every person reacts differently to stressful situations: Some suffer from anxiety, headaches or backaches. Others resort to nicotine or alcohol. A change in eating habits can also be a sign of stress. What they have in common is that they are nervous and look for a way out to master the situation; no matter how.

But stress is not just stress: sometimes it is also positive. Especially when the situation demands your special skills and you accept the challenge with confidence. This type of stress makes you more perceptive, activates and even revitalizes you; it has a rewarding effect. However,

if you suffer from permanent stress, you should consciously take action against it. How can you tell if you are permanently stressed? Typical signs are: insomnia, tachycardia, tension in your neck and back. Other habits, such as grinding your teeth or chewing on the inside of your cheeks, are also typical.

Avoiding stress altogether is difficult, but you can definitely contribute more to your well-being. Take half an hour a day for your personal time off. Exercise in the great outdoors, consciously taking deep breaths in and out; also walk slowly and relaxed! If you prefer to be in your own four walls, then read the book you never seem to get to otherwise.

Also eat healthy food: a good foundation for the day is important. Your mind and body especially need vitamin-rich food. B vitamins support the nervous system and are contained in nuts and oatmeal. Drink green Matcha tea and additionally take the vitamin bomb Maca contained in it. Multivitamins also strengthen you for everyday life and give you more energy.

Products for Stress & Psyche

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180 tablets | Receive a 180-day supply

High-quality supplement for energy, nerves and fighting fatigue!

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100 capsules | Receive a 100-day supply
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120 capsules | Receive a 120-day supply
Special price £19.99 As low as £17.99
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120 tablets | Receive a 120-day supply
Special price £17.99 As low as £15.99
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180 tablets | Receive a 360-day supply
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240 capsules | Receive a 60-day supply

Superfood vitamin complex for physical strength and enhanced performance!

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120 capsules | Receive a 30-day supply
Special price £19.99 As low as £17.99
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